Sunday, May 23, 2010


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Yes another Sponge Bob cake. This was the cake cole had seen weeks before the party and I kept asking him "are you sure you don't want Mommy to make cupcakes?" He couldn't wait to show all his friends. As you can see from all the sweat he was playing and bouncing hard.

Party Two

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The only thing Cole talked about for months was having his party at Bounce U. He couldn't wait for the day to come. He had all his friends: Carter, Colin, Logan, Aspen, Hayden, Kaylie, Jordan, Gavin, Emma, Sarah, Max, Matthew, Makayla and Max. He loved all the attention he was getting form everyone, especially the girls that worked their.

The Open Road

Grandma and Papa thought it would be fun to go to an arcade to play some games and drive the bumper cars. Cole was in his glory again when he got to drive with Papa on his motorcycle to the arcade. He could ride with Papa all day long, he just can't get enough of it. He has the helmet maybe be needs the leather jacket next.


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Cole couldn't wait to open his presents from Grandma and Papa. He got a new stereo/cd play and some underwear. His new stereo rocks!

Birthday Boy

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Happy birthday to you... Cole couldn't wait for his birthday! The weekend before his birthday we went up the hill because Granny wasn't feeling all that well. We took the party to her. Grandma got him a Sponge Bob cake and from the smile on his face you can tell he loved it.

The Bligh's

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Xavier at four months.


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We had a really nice visit with Auntie Molly, Uncle Bill, Xavier and Papa on Easter. They came over in the morning for brunch and we got to enjoy their company. With such a busy schedule we didn't get to see them as much as we would have liked. Soon we hope they will be here for good.

So Cute

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Auntie and her boys.

Cole & Xavier

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What cute boys. They look more like brothers than cousins. Cole was so happy to hold him, talk to him and play with him. He was a good help to Auntie Molly when it was time to change his diaper.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Cole or Xavier

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Take us back nine years and this would be Cole.

Our Easter Best

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Cute Friends

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Kylie, Cole, Colin, Kaylie, Hayden, Lexie, and Sadie

The Hunt is on

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Colin kept a close eye on his eggs. He wasn't about to share. Cole was excited about how many he had found

East Egg Hunt

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We had our second annual Easter egg hunt with our two great neighbors, the Davison's and the Watkin's. Mike, John and Tyler had the fun of hiding all of the eggs. And when I say all of the eggs, we are talking about 200 eggs. The kids were so excited to first find them and then open them.


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The boys were so excited to finally have Auntie, Uncle and Xavier over. They couldn't wait to hold him. He sure resembles Cole when Cole was the age. What memories it brings back when I look at Xavier.

Baptism Day

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This was Baptism day. This was before the baptism. Xavier wanted to make sure the Jesus heard him loud and clear that evening. About halfway through the ceremony he wasn't to happy. I think he was ready for a nap. I think that was the only time we heard him cry!

Love at First Sight

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Granny stayed up late to see this little boy. Xavier flew many mile to see this GREAT Granny!
We all went to the airport to welcome Xavier (Molly and Bill too) we couldn't wait to meet him. It was love at first sight. What a cute boy. He's a keeper!


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They are so cute!


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Come back here.

Cole Boy

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Snow Fight

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My Boys!

Snow Family

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Snow family like our family!